Doctors Amazed: Americans Enjoy Painful Neuropathy Foot Relief with this New $69 EMS Massage Pad - But Does it Really Erase Pain, Numbness & Tingling?

20th June 2023 - Advertorial

It's not often that all the experts agree on something: But nobody can deny the massive success and stunning results people are getting from this new NeuroMuscular Massager. It's currently taking the US by storm - let's see what all the fuss is about...

If you've never had it, Neuropathy feels like a thousand needles pricking your skin every moment of every day...

Most commonly in the feet, you can also get neuropathy in your back, neck, or hands.

The burning and tingling sensations can be unbearable and rarely go away...

Sufferers experience numbness and/or tingling in the feet at best.

Worse symptoms can be burning, stabbing or shooting pains...

Loss of balance and coordination due to foot neuropathy can mean you're unable to work, socialise or even sleep...

Walking can be agony, and due to the restrictions on your life, you may end up a burden at work and to your family and friends. Other problems like depression and weight gain can follow...

Should You Take Painkillers for Neuropathy?

Go see your doctor with these chronic neuropathy pains and they'll tell you "I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do..."
, the standard treatment doctors give you for severe nerve pains in your feet is... just simple pain killers... 

Not working? Take some stronger ones...

Still not working? Tough, live with it...

Right now all Doctors can do is just hope the pain will magically go away.

Obviously, long-term pain pills can cause HUGE problems to your bowels, liver, kidney, heart, and blood circulation. Not to mention strong links to causing stomach ulcers...  

Choking down nasty dry tablets to mask the pain just isn't a solution, they are just another problem...

And they can't exactly do surgery on your nervous system, medical science just isn't there yet.

What's Causing Neuropathy Pains?

Bear with me, a very quick science lesson...

Here's why you're experiencing the pains and numbness in the first place:

Nerve cells in your feet require a continuous supply of oxygen.

This oxygen gets to the nerves in your blood.

As we age our circulation (and well, everything!), becomes less and less efficient.

While this is a perfectly normal part of ageing, some people experience these problems much sooner and more severely than others, especially in the feet. 

Your feet are the furthest point from your heart pumping your blood, that's why this problem is more common here.

So with restricted blood flow, the nerve cells in your feet start suffocating and dying off first - causing that burning pain, unbearable tingling, and horrible numbness...

If you are a diabetic excess blood sugar decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to narrow - which further restricts blood flow to the nerves in your feet.

But all is not lost - if you can increase blood flow, you can reverse and repair the nerve damage!

How? Thankfully there's a new miraculous pad that is using new technology to end the suffering, without drugs or surgery!  

What's this Alternative, Drug-Free Therapy Called? 

It's called the Electrapy EMS massager.

It uses special Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to help with a wide variety of foot pain, tingling, sleep and stress-related problems. 

Just a quick 10 mins massage before bed, can make a HUGE difference - regular use could change your life! 

Behind the product are a network of renowned US and Japanese scientists. They've used centuries of holistic and therapeutic, massage and modern physiotherapy knowledge, to tackle neuropathy pains without the use of drugs or surgeries!

How Does the Electrapy Massager Work? 

The Electrapy Massager uses clever, non-evasive NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) technology -

This NMES technology sends a special combination of targeted electric impulses deep into the tissue of your muscles.

These pulses kickstart the blood circulation to your nerves. 

Sometimes within minutes you may get back sensation and feeling in your feet again!

Within a few days, the nerves in your feet will repair and heal, eliminating the burning pain, tingling, and numbness…

And the best part - you can do this from the comfort of your own home! 

Where Else Can You Use Your Electrapy? 

Wherever you have tightness, swelling or numbness! 

The pulses are great for relieving tension and tightness in any muscle!

It's safe to use anywhere. Common areas include your back, neck and arms. 

The Results - What Are Users Saying?

After reading hundreds of reviews, customers seem overwhelmingly happy with the results.

What keeps coming up is; reduced swelling, numbness and pain. And, a cheap solution to a painful problem. 

For many, it seems to be a genuine life changer. 

Others are simply enjoying it as a luxurious deep-tissue massage to relieve some tension in their tight feet and calves!

Studies have found that nerve pain disorders aren't only extremely painful, but cause you sleep, productivity, and excessive stress problems too. 

Surely a non-evasive therapy, you can do from your own home, with no known side effects or risk, is a better option than dozens of painkiller tablets for years?

Doctors are Very Excited - you no longer have to take a fist full of drugs just to hide the pain!

The medical profession is enthusiastic about the product because its effectiveness is so simple, clean, safe and effective. It's a risk-free solution to a complicated and painful problem! 

The financial benefits are massive too. Americans suffering from chronic pain spend thousands of medications and consultations per year. What's worse is that a lot of treatments and surgeries for chronic pain aren't covered by health insurers either...

How Much is the Electrapy Massager?

Electrapy frequently runs promotions with huge discounts, so the price may have changed by the time you read this review.

It's best to click any of the links in this article to see the best deals on the official site.

That said, it was retailing for $139.99 at the time of writing. 

Note: Electrapy products aren't sold on Amazon. 

Where Can You Order?


Electrapy also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, which has been praised by experts and customers alike.

NOTE: The pad comes in one size and is suitable for adult men and women of any age.

Exclusive  PROMOTION  DISCOUNT  - 50% Off - Check Availability >>

[IMPORTANT INFORMATION]: the manufacturer is offering a 50% discount for all new customers. They may ask you for a review or feedback in return for this discount.

However please note that the promo
stock is limited in the US. If you want to try the Electrapy EMS massager now at the 50% trial price of $69 and with the 30-day money-back guarantee, click the links below to check availability!


50-70% Off!

Use the discount as long as it exists.

* Only available for a short time

After 2 weeks, my foot pain is now hardly noticeable! Electrapy really does what it says on the tin.

Dirk S.


My husband and I use the massager carpet daily and we've felt a big change week after week. My feet feel amazing. We're back doing our passion - hiking!

Wendy N.


The pad is incredibly simple and effective. I immediately noticed a difference in my feet and later on my stress levels and sleep quality. I finally fully feel my feet after years of tingling numbness!

Jane T.


* Individual results may vary.

This is an advertisement, and not the actual article, blog, or seller protection notice. The story depicted on this page and the person depicted are not the actual news. Rather, the story is based on results obtained by some people who have used this product. The results and comments are illustrative and you may not get the same results using the product. This page could receive money for clicks that lead to the purchase of the products presented on this page.

Disclaimer: Electrapy's products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any particular disease or condition, but rather are intended to be a complement to professionally performed treatments

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